The Mental Health Peer Mentor Programme is an accredited Level 2 Award for students ages 14-18.

This programme was created by The Lily-Jo Project in partnership with qualification specialists, Minds Ahead.

By taking part in this programme, students will be able to:

  • Appreciate that mental health and wellbeing fluctuates
  • Know how to protect good mental health for themselves and their peers
  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of poor or declining mental health in themselves and their peers
  • Support their own mental health in challenging, stressful or changing situations
  • Apply a range of listening, questioning and other mentoring skills

How It Works

School or college staff will deliver this qualification after a 'train the trainer' style induction. They will be given training materials, delivery notes, ideas, suggestions and an assessment booklet to give to students, who will complete this and submit online to Minds Ahead for marking.

You can contact Minds Ahead throughout the year for support. All course materials will be provided through The Lily-Jo Project’s online curriculum platform.


  • One-off approval and induction fee £575 per setting for training (up to 3 trainers)
  • Annual fee from year 2 onwards £390 for updated materials and QA
  • Assessment and qualification: £95/student

To get started, the course materials (including induction fee) can be purchased below.

What students and teachers have to say